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The search for a real estate agent is essential. Without a doubt, if you are about to sell your house for the first time, you will need a specialist who knows the Cyprus real estate market well. Selling a property in Cyprus is not tricky, but it is always good to know some guidelines and conditions that must be considered.
25-06-2021 - viotopo News
Buying property in Cyprus is a transaction that goes far beyond simply choosing properties for sale. Prices in Cyprus are super affordable and have a number of tax benefits that attract many investors. To give us an idea, living is almost 20% cheaper than in other European countries. This has led to a significant number of individuals deciding to make financial investments on this island in recent years. Understanding the cost of buying a home is important.
24-06-2021 - viotopo News
The European Investment Bank (EIB) approved, a few months ago, 76 million euros to finance the construction of a new power plant. The chosen site is on the outskirts of Limassol and the building will be carried out by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) for a cleaner energy transition.
12-06-2021 - viotopo News
As we all know, there is a before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the island of Cyprus was no exception to this catastrophe, and we have all seen our lifestyles change overnight.
04-06-2021 - viotopo News
The joy of buying your first home is inexplicable. It's about making a dream come true—either alone or with family. But a goal at last. A plan that is the beginning of something new, and like all innovation, requires a series of steps to follow.
31-05-2021 - viotopo News
Fire safety is vital. Preventing a fire in our properties is a fundamental action. For this to be possible, it is essential to implement the security plans provided by protocols of the real estate industry and by what the law requires. A solid fire safety plan is not only crucial to preserve our property. It is about complying with legal obligations, leading us to prison, and facing exorbitant fines if not fulfilled.
27-05-2021 - viotopo News
When one decides to know every corner of a country, there are two fundamental ways to do it. One of them is using public transport, with the comforts and limitations that this has. The other is renting a car, which allows us to better manage our time and reach many places impossible to get on a bus or train.
26-05-2021 - viotopo News
Cyprus is an island of contrasts. Old and historic buildings coexist with a wide range of recently built investment opportunities. Cyprus marketplace grows day by day with many high-quality and luxurious properties that shine in different island corners. But there is a reality: all buildings are exposed to earthquakes.
17-05-2021 - viotopo News
The property does not sell itself. Although it seems like a joke (a bad one), this is so. Therefore, to sell our house or apartment, it is necessary to have the assistance of a licensed real estate agent. For now, the Cyprus real estate industry offers a wide variety of licensed estate agents alternatives at the time of listing our property for sale.
12-05-2021 - viotopo News
In the real estate industry, there are a lot of investment opportunities. But it's not always about buying. For many, a long-term rental decision for luxurious properties is an excellent investment. The Cyprus marketplace offers a wide range of great rental options. And when searching and consulting with an estate agent, the question arises: is a furnished or unfurnished rental better?
09-05-2021 - viotopo News
Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 pandemic marked a before and after in our recent time. In this scenario, the Cyprus real estate market promises a very particular year. There are multiple investment opportunities, but we must be frank: there is a shortage of property deals due to uncertainty. It seems paradoxical, but it is not. Many people need to find a place to live, which leads to decision-making through the unavoidable help of a real estate agent.
04-05-2021 - viotopo News
Many actions allow us to be well-positioned in the real estate market, making it easier for us to find clients. If you are a real estate agent and you want to be known, it is essential to follow some steps that will allow you to be better known in the Cyprus real estate world.
01-05-2021 - viotopo News